Help with this Lottie bug! i am not using any lottie plugin but only HTMLs

I Have a big issue with this Lottie bug(!)

Whats the reccomendation? i dont use any lottie plugin but i do have over then 200 html with lottie iFrame

What should i do? my users are getting those popups

Ensure the package download script (that is in either your headers or the HTML element) points to version 2.0.4

@amitshemla lottiefiles is recommending the below approach

What this means is the HTML code you are using which may be similar to what I use

Needs to be adjusted to reflect what another user posted

<script src=""></script>
<lottie-player src="LOTTIE.JSON" background="transparent" speed="1.0" loop autoplay >

.lottie-player { > svg { transform: unset !important; } }

If your code looks like mine in the screen shot, you should be fine, as my apps are no longer affected, however, if you want to follow lottiefiles advice to switch out the @current to a more updated player, use the latest version of 2.0.8 which is their most recent version they pushed as part of their fix.

Switch @current to @2.0.8

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