How can I force a single quote (') or % character in my SQL LIKE query?

Hello, I’m trying to make the following query to my DB to find a keyword in a comma separated list.

SELECT box_url FROM images WHERE keywords LIKE ‘%$1%’ LIMIT 200

The % acts as a wildcard so I can search the row with comma-separated values for the keyword in $1. The quotes are causing an issue with Bubble, it thinks i want to send a literal “%$1%”, when I just need to include the ‘% and %’ , with the $1 in the middle. Does this make sense? Please let me know if you need clarification. Escape characters (\% , \’) don’t seem to work, unless I’m using them wrong.

This command works flawlessly when I put it into my DB, but introducing Bubble’s $1 variable and requiring single quotes in the query is making it complicated.


I’m trying to do the same thing here without any success.

This works, but it only does an exact match:
SELECT SIC2_Desc FROM Dim_SIC2 WHERE upper(SIC2_Desc) like upper(?) LIMIT 10 ;

These parse, but doesn’t fetch any data
SELECT SIC2_Desc FROM Dim_SIC2 WHERE upper(SIC2_Desc) like upper(’$1’) LIMIT 10 ;
SELECT SIC2_Desc FROM Dim_SIC2 WHERE upper(SIC2_Desc) like upper(’%$1%’) LIMIT 10 ;
SELECT SIC2_Desc FROM Dim_SIC2 WHERE upper(SIC2_Desc) like upper(’%’?’%’) LIMIT 10 ;

These don’t parse in Bubble:
SELECT SIC2_Desc FROM Dim_SIC2 WHERE upper(SIC2_Desc) like upper(’%?%’) LIMIT 10 ;
SELECT SIC2_Desc FROM Dim_SIC2 WHERE upper(SIC2_Desc) like upper(’%?%’) LIMIT 10 ; /* attempting to escape the % */
SELECT SIC2_Desc FROM Dim_SIC2 WHERE upper(SIC2_Desc) like upper(’%’$1’%’) LIMIT 10 ;

@topherwilliams did you ever figure this out?

Quick update, but this is a workaround not a fix.

This works and accomplishes the same thing (allowing a wildcard search) for this use case.

SELECT SIC2_Desc FROM Dim_SIC2 WHERE upper(SIC2_Desc) REGEXP upper(?) LIMIT 10 ;

But it doesn’t address the problem of being unable to use the % wildcard character.

For small queries this is fine, but REGEXP is a very expensive operation in the database and isn’t a good replacement in many scenarios.

Here’s what I got from Bubble support:

Short Answer: use this format: ‘%’ || $1 || ‘%’

Long answer:

We use Postgres’ query-escaping mechanism to safely send parameters to queries to avoid SQL injection attacks. So, we don’t actually replace the $1 on Bubble’s end. We use Postgres’s PREPARE statement ( to build a query with a placeholder, then send the value separately.

What this means is that you can only use $ values in places where postgres allows them. You can’t embed them in the middle of a string. Instead, you can use string concatenation to accomplish what you want to do here:

where keywords like ‘%’ || $1 || ‘%’

The || operator combines two strings into a longer one; more information here:

I am trying this but not getting it to work… Did you ever get it to work? If so, can you copy and paste and exact example? Thanks.

This works for me using PostgreSQL.

select img_url,id,camera from image where camera=$2 and keyword like ‘%’||$1||’%’ LIMIT 200

I am trying to use the sql plugin and my query looks like this:

select top 200
from dbo.Opportunity a
where a.Active = 1
(OpTitle like ‘%’||@SearchTerm||’%’
OpDesc like ‘%’||@SearchTerm||’%’
ContactName like ‘%’||@SearchTerm||’%’)

Any more tips on how to make this work? I am trying to pass a list into the following query:

SELECT Name, Description, APIRef, Revenue FROM CDR.MonthlyCosts

Obviously if plug the variable directly into the code it works:
SELECT Name, Description, APIRef, Revenue FROM CDR.MonthlyCosts
WHERE APIRef IN (‘Roaming’, ‘Data’) LIMIT 10;

However when trying to pass in the variable I’m having no luck. I’ve tried:

  • Roaming||’, '||Data
  • ‘Roaming||’,’||Data’
  • Every other variation on this I can think of.

By removing the brackets on the variable you can see a little of the SQL being passed and try to debug, but all I can see is Bubble does the leading and trailing ’ properly and then escapes out any in the middle of the string. Is there any way around this?

