Hi @nocodepod
Ok, so I’ve made some changes.
To answer your first question above, when you asked “how the app showed these comments”
There’s a checkbox sitting just above the video element which when checked, and you start clicking the video player, it pops up with a little comments box there. It’s actually a draggable element because you can move them around if you have coordinates to which you now also have available as states upon clicking areas in the player.
I’ve added a couple of actions regarding “timeUpdate” events. They were somewhat tricky but you’ll see 2 of them which look like this…
There both act the same with the difference being one is designed to take for a single item (number) and the other is designed for a list of numbers. You can use these to create timeUpdate events on the player so when the video is playing and it reaches a specific time, the event called “A videoJS player reaches a specified time” will be triggered.
If you load a list of numbers, say you have 20 numbers in that list then you’ll have all the timeUpdate events for that particular list. This means if your list is like 5,10,25,90,120 etc then when playback reaches those intervals (which are in seconds) the event will trigger. It’s this event which you see triggering in the demo.
I’ve done quite a bit of testing with this to try and stop it firing a zillion times, which I think I have it sorted now so that should help you do what you want to do
I’ve also fixed a couple of bugs, so when the video player is hidden by Bubble’s hide element action, if you have a video playing, it should now stop so it doesn’t keep on playing when the element is invisible.
Oh, there’s a way to add to video thumbnails too but it’s a little tricky.
Instructions updated!
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