I am currently receiving dynamic data back as a description through the API Connector and the description text is showing with HTML tags all over the place.
I was able to easily fix some of the issues by loading the response data from the API into an HTML Box but for some reason signs like these are coming up still ¢Â   Â
This is actually the suggested RegEx pattern to remove them according to ChatGPT.
RegEx Pattern to remove them /â¢Â   Â/g
I am still trying to figure out how to get the extractwithregex feature to pop up in my editor. Anyone know how I can implement the RegEx pattern against the API response dynamic HTML text data that is loading.
You should be able to do it that way. You could apply it while loading the dynamic data from the HTML elements as well, depending on how you’re going about it.
I am wondering when text is saved with html characters in the bubble database, how they are read by the SEO, it if the characters will appear anywhere else than though the plugin in the front-end as stylized text only? Or how they are shown here in the front end example of @Jibbystyle? How do I remove HTML Tags from API Response