How do I upload Geographic Address data in Bubble?

So I found a workaround to this. These are the steps I followed to load my list of geographical addresses in Bubble through the CSV upload tool:

  1. I searched for the [STATE INITIAL], in a tool like Google Sheets, and replaced the , with a ;

  2. Then I created an list of texts field in Bubble, in my dataset, called text_geo_address

  3. I mapped the address list to the list of text_geo_address field, with ; as the separator and uploaded successfully

  4. I created a backend workflow with the right data type to be able to run it on the table I had uploaded my text_geo_address content. The workflow looks at the text_geo_address list and sets the actual list of geographical addresses field as the text_geo_address contents.

After running the workflow on-demand, I was able to bulk upload Brokers data and populate the addresses field automatically.