How does the Go to Page action Function Internally?

I have multiple pages in my app and some are more basic while others are essentially one page apps on their own with lots of functionality which comes from reusable elements that are placed onto the page.

I’m noticing a huge lag time between navigating to the pages that have more functionality compared to those that are more basic while using the go to page workflow action.

What I am seeing is that the URL browser address bar doesn’t show the page address to navigate to until it seems like the page is fully loaded.

Is the go to page workflow action actually loading all the elements before it changes the URL address bar? Because what I notice is that once the address bar has the URL of the page, the page seems to load much faster than if I had used a link element to navigate.

@eve could you shed some light on what is happening internally that would account for these experiences?

I’ve already set up a full page loader to ‘entertain’ the user during the navigation period, but as a user, not seeing a new URL makes it seem as if nothing is happening despite the loading spinner in the browser tab.

Hi @boston85719

Interesting subject.

Have you seen this behavior in different browsers or is it just one?
Have you tried doing this with a lower number of apps or bowser tabs open in your pc? In other words … is the same behavior seen when the pc has a lighter overall load on its ram capacity?
Is the link element indeed slower in every scenario than the go to page action?

Seems like on Google Chrome it is a bit different than Firefox…I used Google Chrome originally, and in Firefox it looks like the URL address changes much quicker.

It is actually the opposite, the the link changes the URL in chrome a bit faster than go to page action does, where more loading of the destination page is seen when navigating using link element than is seen if navigating using go to page since with that it takes more time for the URL to change.

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