How i can generate API tokens for my users?

Hi, Bubblers!

I have a question) I can generate tokens in my app in the Settings section for myself, but i can’t understand, how i can generate tokens for my users, like in LikedIn, for 3rd developers, who want get access to my database. Or it’s impossible in Bubble?


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@Kirill did you ever figure this out? I am currently wondering the same thing.

@benpmorrison, you can generate multiple tokens in Settings - tab API:

Just be careful, when you authenticate with such an API Token, the call is run in the context of an admin user of your app, that has access to all data..

If you want to programmatically create auth tokens for each user that will carry their privacy access (i.e. it will be ‘them’ using the app - and not give them full admin access to your backend) then you can do that too - see here.

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My bigger issue with the approach of generating an API token for each user is that requires a manual step on my end for each user. In other words, a user can’t sign-up for our API service and get going right away without someone on my end generating the token.

I plan to look into the post linked by @exception-rambler below.

Thank you both!