How to connect my own API


Is it possible to connect my own API to bubble ?

If yes, how can I do this ?

I’m a non developper but I can hire a developper if needed.

Best regards

You will have to use the Bubble API connector to do so.

Hi @yacine.founaqa, I’d love to help you either learn how to connect to an API or take on the task myself. Check out my API video series here:

That’ll teach you the ins and outs of API functions in Bubble, which will set you up with a larger understanding overall so that you can have more control in the long run.

@andrewjohnson56782 is right - you’ll need to install the Bubble API Connector (plugin) to your app to get started, and depending on whether you need the external API to communicate with your app, you’ll need to enable API Workflows as well. See this:

However, if you’d rather just hire out, please reach out at any of the links below and we can schedule the work.

Gaby at Coaching No Code Apps (formerly Coaching Bubble)

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