Hello everyone! I really need the help of the community. Please share your knowledge.
I have a task to retrieve data via API using a GET request. For each date I specify in the URL parameter, I receive order data. How can I create a workflow that sequentially parses data for the last 10 days one by one? The logic is current date formatted as 2024-10-29 and so on for each previous day up to 10 days back from the current date.
Good question. I think you could do it a few different ways. Here are some suggestions to get you going. I am sure there are other ideas out there too.
Use the list of dates plugin to generate the list for you starting with a date that you choose.
Schedule a backend workflow on a list, or as a loop, that uses numbers and just do +day 1 to the original date that you choose.
Do those ideas make sense? Any of those help? Let me know.
Hi @J805
Thank you for deciding to help me. I have one action running that triggers a workflow on a list. I receive data via API and save it to the database. I don’t understand how to integrate the workflow on a list with dates so that it also participates in the process.
For the Schedule API workflow on a list should actually be your list of dates. Then on the backend workflow you can do the call each time with the individual date that you are passing through. Does that help?