How to fix error "\"Bug in custom "... flagged with Flusk

Hey everyone!
I’m looking for some help to fix an error that occurs on my app :person_raising_hand:

I’m using Flusk to monitor errors from my users and it recently flagged this error…

It appears to be a client-side error and happens on the live version of my app.

Here’s an example of the error message that one of my user recently experienced:

"Bug in custom code Error: Could not reach server\n    at LocationService.request (\n    at\n    at root (\n"

The error occurred on the page sac_v2 of my app.

Here’s the screenshot that was taken when the error occurred:

Here’s the link to the live preview of my app: Casas para eventos Day Use e hospedagem de grupos | Airbuzz

Here’s what I understand from this error:
I don’t know what that means: “Bug in custom code Error: Could not reach server\n at LocationService.request”

Do you have any clue what the error is about? And what I should be doing from there?

Any help would be really appreciated :pray:


Posted with the @Flusk tool

For goodness sake stop spamming the forum with multiple errors. Compile all of them into one post.

Also get in touch with someone from Flusk already.

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