How to Improve your Bubble App’s Workload Efficiency

Bubble is infinitely flexible – there's an endless list of apps you can build and an endless number of ways in which you can realize your vision. Finding the right way for your specific use case can have a big impact on how many workload units (WU) your app needs (and therefore which of Bubble’s pricing plans might be right for you).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Watching the official WU optimization webinar now… Almost all of best practices follow the principles @petter described in detail in his book The Ultimate Guide to Bubble Performance, 2nd Edition, so I encourage anyone interested in the topic to check it out.


Guys, you should provide more insights in terms of when and where the WU are consumed, the pie and bar charts, and legends work for a general view (Horrible UI), but the data should be in a table where you can search, filter and so on. I think this is the right direction and there is a lot of room for improvement here, keep building.


I agree on the bad UI. Also, it’s hard to test when you can’t see the data immediately. Are you supposed to change one thing and then wait a day to see the impact?


WU data is updated on an hourly basis. They promised to allow to check more granularly in the beginning of May.


@vivienne Could you elaborate on what Zubair meant by “Bulk modify” in his Example 2? He mentioned bulk modify as a more efficient option when compared to recursive workflows. I’m familiar with bulk modify in the editor’s data tab but wasn’t sure what he was referring to.

Weird. Mine is a day behind.

Have you clicked on a daily bar to drill down for hourly workload data?

Hi @vivienne
Will you be so kind helping us about this following issue?

By the webinar, there were 02 example cases.

The first one (Check user exists) explained in depth, including workload consumption.

But, the 2nd example, not

It was relatedto a repeating group and the relationship with two Datatypes,
This example was not so good explained in terms of the filter already - it was not finalized, as well as the impact on Workload not exposed.

That example, as a whole, is an important reference.

Please, is it possible to sare with us a explanatory video (how to, until the end) of that second case related to RG?

I know Bubble sharing videos, pdf… help about the way. But about a real how to apply it, in real cases, is undoubtedly the most important. So, regarding this, Bubble is not being so contributive. We need real examples to “copy a solid idea”.

Please can I /we count on you?

@vivienne this topic just get me more sarcastic.
You say:
A) Use external tools
B) Don’t do that or this anymore
C) We will improve… someday

A lot of your suggestion can also lead to conflict if two (or more) action/trigger happen at the same time.

And what to say about your conditionnal expressions… oh god… better stop building on Bubble now… (Just a sample example, each time we need to do a search to check if item exist in DB. If not, create a new item…)

Anything else you say are just basic thing that we can call: Do I need this? No… remove it!


It’s using Bubble API. The manual is great on this topic of how to use bulk update via API.

Ah, I see it now - workflow usage was so small when I posted earlier that it appeared to be grayed out and there was nothing for my mouse to hover over or click on.

Nopes. Approach in this video Bubble Workload Optimization tip #2, Bulk data manipulation - YouTube


Oh, just watched the video (didn’t know I was featured so prominently :wink:). Definitely a cool optimization.

I had not watched it before the comment, but thought I recalled from the webinar that you said bulk, so in my mind it was the API call to the Bubble database.

I’m going to be doing some tests with the API as each call to the Bubble own data or inbound API costs 0.01 and the schedule API workflow costs 0.10 plus the 0.6 cost of running the server side workflow action. Not sure just yet what the benefits will be, but hope might at least be incremental.


Hi all, version of the webinar is now available on Youtube:

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If you’d rather watch me watch this and add additional commentary and insight, find that here:


I hope the serverlog system to be updated,
For example, it should export logs as a csv to analyze the apps WU usages. To do so, not only the server related actions, but front end WU consumption should be seen in the server log tab.

Also, diving into dynamic expression (like “inspect” or “step by step” of debug mode) is so important to our app performances