How to let user reorder a list of things?

Basically, how do you change and save a new order for a list of things?

In more detail:

My site has an option to make lists. The list data type has a field ‘List Entries’ which is a list of movies. Movies also being a data type of it’s own.

The ‘list entries’ are displayed in a repeating group, and the page is set to type list, which displays the current page list.

I want to make it so that when the user reorders the ‘List Entries’ in the repeating group (once a save changes button is pressed). It will change and save the order of the ‘list entries’, which again is a list of movies.

Hi @fredrikgotmail ,

you can not order the list entries in the database entry.

If you already have built a function to reorder the repeating group, you should build a new data type, lets call it "configuration, for the users view on that list and save the “reorder” there.
For example just use a “number” field and sort the list by that number.

For detailed explanation it would be useful to know how you connected your data types with each other.

Best wishes

Hi @jf1

I’m looking to do something similar to @fredrikgotmail mentioned above.

For clarity, i’m building an app that allows users to search for event locations based on certain attributes they require (eg. size, capacity and location).
Users can then create a ‘Shortlist’ of their favourite venues from which they can generate a nicely curated PDF list (using a third party PDF Plugin).

My relevant Data Types:
Location (All the different venues)
Campaign (The user’s project the shortlist is saved within)
Shortlists (The list of Locations favourited for a specific project).

The PDF preview page is ultimately a repeating group which autofills with all the Locations in the Shortlist (it contains info and images for each Location).

Is there a method I can use to allow Users to reorder the Locations in the Shortlist? Whether it’s temporary (only remains in the new order so the PDF can be created and then reverts to its previous order), or permanently changes the order (every time the Campaign is visited the order remains update).

The data / fields for my Shortlist data type is as below:
Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 16.47.55

Many thanks in advance,

hey @tom.ballard were you able to figure this out? I am stuck exactly where you are! If you did figure it out, would really appreciate your help! thanks!