How to make subscription teirs

How would i give access to my web app but only to certain areas. For example i have a calendar module which is in the basic subscription and then i have a video calling feature which is only for premium subscribers.

Im sorry if the answer is straight forward but i cant seem to get my head around it and did not see any similar answers in the forum.

Youā€™ll have to set this from the database. What I do is to create an option set for the user levelsā€¦I.e(free, basic, premium) for example.
Link this option set to the user datatype.
Then youā€™d put conditional saying ā€œwhen this userā€™s role is freeā€ā€¦something like this.

What I do is to create an option set for the user levelsā€¦I.e(free, basic, premium) for example.
Link this option set to the user datatype.
Then youā€™d put conditional saying ā€œwhen this userā€™s role is freeā€

Iā€™d second this, but to plan for future changes / scaling up, you might also want to add a number value to that option set.

For example, letā€™s say I have five tiers: Free, Starter, Growth, Team, and Enterprise :wink: There are features that I only want to give to Growth customers and up.

If I just create an option set with the names of the tiers, to create a condition for Growth and up, Iā€™d have to write Current user's Tier is Growth or Current user's Tier is Team or Current user's Tier is Enterprise for each condition. If I want to remove one of those tiers at a later date, Iā€™d need to edit every single condition; if I want to add additional tiers with access to this feature, Iā€™d add that tier to every condition.

If I assign a number field to each entry in that option set, itā€™s easier to make changes. In this example, letā€™s say I assign 2 to the Free tier, 4 to the Starter tier, 6 to Growth, 8 to Team, and 10 to Enterprise. Then, instead of the complex condition as above, I can create a condition for Growth and up to be Current user's Tier's number ā‰„ 6. This allows me to remove tiers without causing errors, and I can add tiers in between based on conditions Iā€™ve written for other features (e.g. I could create a tier between Growth and Team and assign it a ā€˜7ā€™ without having to rewrite every relevant conditional in my app).

Being able to scale like this is something Iā€™ve found really useful when building apps, so hopefully you will too!


Oh wow!
Learnt something new todayā€¦
Thanks so much for this Greg.

Thankyou so much guys amazing information

The approach I use is to have an option set (or data type) of plans.

Each plan has a list of permissions (option set) e.g can create X, can see Y. I use Current Userā€™s planā€™s permissions contains (the relevant permission). For numbers e.g can send messages X times, thatā€™s obviously just a number field on the plan.

That gives more flexibility than numbers and more granular permissions per plan (e.g where plans arenā€™t necessary hierarchal but provide different features all together)


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