How to parse a json into a Repeating group

Hi everyone! Happy new year.

Im trying to develop a xml reader to show as a list in a repeating group.
Im currently generating a json from this xml file in an element, how should I proceed to display this json as a list in a repeating group? For now it is not necessary to save in database, it can be a custom state, the problem is that Im not able to display the generated data in the repeating group.
An example of my current json is this:
“OFX”: {
“SONRS”: {
“CODE”: “0”,
“DTSERVER”: “20220103111908”,
“TRNUID”: “1001”,
“CODE”: “0”,
“DTSTART”: “20211201”,
“DTEND”: “20211231”,
“DTPOSTED”: “20211202120000[-3:BRT]”,
“DTPOSTED”: “20211210120000[-3:BRT]”,
// … mais transações conforme necessário
“DTASOF”: “20220103”

Thank you!!

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you could create an api call with json as result.

Hi @daviddr17, Thanks for your answer!

I am trying to setup the api connector and api workflow to get the value of json from an element and display in repeating group! But As I never did this before im struggling a bit!
Do you have any example of this setup or know where to find an example?

min 8:38

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Thanks @cmarchan!

That worked properly!
It is already working! Thanks again!!

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