How to run backend workflows for Live version?


I have a backend workflow triggered by cron-job ping set to fire every midnight. Upon ping, the job is to create a thing for all users for a new day.

It’s perfectly working on test version, but not working on the Live.

I tried “Isn’t live version: is no”, or even removed version-test in the request URL on cron-job side (Obviously, ended up 404 error).

Can I get some help for this?

Maybe How to support both dev and production version of bubble webhook? - #2 by GH5T?

Yes you need to do this so it triggers the live version of this workflow

This means you need to deploy your app to live so the workflow exists in your live version too

Thanks for help.

I removed “version-test” in the cron-job’s request URL. But, in Bubble’s workflow detecting request data link, do I have to change it as well? How?

If I remove “version-test” in cron-job’s request URL, the two URL’s don’t match. Is it okay?

The app is already live :grimacing:

When you sent a request to your url with /version-test in it that goes to the test version of your app, so when you remove that portion it goes to the live version of your app.

But if you have just been testing this whole time you still need to deploy live so the workflow exists in your live version :slightly_smiling_face:

Then on your cron-job side of things remove the /version-test portion of the URL so it goes to your live version.

When the workflow doesn’t exists that’s what causes the error 404 you got

So you don’t need to reinitialize anything you already did that to set up your workflow and for it to “learn” your request data

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Hey, thanks a lot.
It works. Great help!!!
Have a great day.

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Great! :blush:

You could also change from version-test to version-live, for example, right?
I mean, when configuring a bubble endpoint in some service that will send webhooks.

yea you can

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Great, thanks man!