How to separate data text into different repeating group cells

Hello I am trying to separate text into multiple cells of a repeating. It is a script for a movie that is created by Chat GPT. Chat GPT gives me a response with a script but the response is in one row/cell of the repeating group. I want the response to be separated so that each new line is in a new repeating group cell. This way users can edit their scripts. I tried the Split by… function to fix this issue but it does not allow me to use it. Any thoughts or suggestions on how I can split each line of text into its own repeating group? Here are some screenshots if it helps

Hey @jpdougherty24 :wave:

Result of the split by is a list of text, not dialogue. Change the repeating group’s type of content to text and it should at least get rid of that red issue.

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble

Thank you so much for this response. Do you know of another way to do this while keeping the type of content to dialogue? Because I have done that previously but then I have issues editing the repeating group in a popup. I want the users to be able to edit the script and customize it. How can I allow the users to edit the script text in the repeating group if the type of content is set to text?

Since the dialogue data is already there, why don’t you just search for dialogue data and then, do the get text’s itself:split by in each cell? This way, you can keep the type dialogue and auto bind stuff maybe. I don’t know the whole picture, so this is my best guess :slight_smile:

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble

We are getting so close. So I did what you said and I used split by on the text itself. It did not separate the texts in different columns but instead it replaced the (/) with commas. Did I format this correctly?

Instead of setting the Split by on the text element in the cell, you set it on the Repeating Group’s source. And then in each cell, it just becomes ‘Current Cell’s Text’

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