How to set Open yes/no to store opening hours?


Looking for a way to display whether a user’s store is currently open or not. I have its opening- and closing hours (using the Date/Time Picker plugin) and its Timezone ID.

Any suggestions on how to set an “Open” datatype to yes or no based on the current store’s opening hours? I just can’t see the logic.

Help is appreciated!

Using a time picker you can extract and save the open/close hour and minute.

You can then apply those to the logic.

If current dat/time:change hours to stores start hour:change minutes to stores start minute current day/timee:change hours to stores end hour:change minutes to stores end minute :contains current date/time

The pain in the ass here is a extracting they start and end hour and minute for the store daily hours. Then applying those times to the current day and time to create a range for today

Next check if today is in that range

Hi Jared, thanks for your response! Not sure what you mean by the last bit. Could you clarify? I started a conditional workflow like so:

But I don’t really understand your logic there so can’t figure it out myself