How to sort Data in a Table>

I would like to understand how to sort in a Table!

A couple of ways come to mind:

  1. I’m not sure it’s possible in your case, but: instead of doing the calculations on the fly on the RG, save it to the database. Then you can use the Bubble native controls to sort it.
  2. The Floppy plugin’s ListShifter element has a couple of nice utilities for that.
  3. If you’re into some JavaScript, you might be able to use the Toolbox plugin.

Dear Rico
I did try the 1st Way that you suggested but I’m not sure I got what you’re saying here is aanother link explaining what i did

Place the button at the top: (calculate %)

Then use a workflow step called: Make Change to a List of Things: (courses)

Then do your calculation per Course.

Also, you shouldn’t need to click a button to do that. When a user completes the course, you should run a backend workflow that updates that course with the latest information. Therefore this screen should always have the most up to date information.

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