How to split a word into a list of letters?

Ok so I understand if I use :split by I can split a sentence into a list of words.

But how do I split a word into a list of characters/letters? and without asking the user to split the word with commas etc please.

Eg. User types into Input A “apple” Text box returns list: a, p, p, l, e,

Thanks In Advance!

I just tried this successfully with regex. I used:

Input's Value: Extract with Regex and then Regex Pattern = .

(to be clear, that pattern is just a single period, no spaces).

Photo of my example - my Split button sets a custom state of the output of the above, and the repeating group is that custom state’s list of text:

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Thanks I will give this a try!

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This works very well. It’s my first time using Regex. Any idea how to only process letters, numbers and ‘&’ ? I want no spaces or punctuation other than ‘&’ please?


Use a regex editor like to easily develop and test expressions.

Sorry for the late reply, I used your advice and my app is now working just as I hoped. Many thanks, Cheers.

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Glad to hear it! Do you mind marking it as the Solution? This will help others who might be searching for something similar.