I am building a food ordering app for a waffle shop. This means my cart items include many customizable toppings, ice cream, etc.
I have a data type named “cart item” which has fields for these toppings, ice cream flavors, etc.
I then have a data type named “order” and I have made a field within this data type named “order cart” which is a list of cart items.
The “my cart page” has a repeating group which displays each cart item’s name, quantity, price, toppings, etc in the form of dynamic data.
I created a workflow to create a new order where the “order cart” field will equal the list of all the user’s cart items. This should mean a list of each items’ name, price, quantity, toppings, etc.
Now since this is a lot of information to put into one cell in my app’s database, bubble created a list of numeric codes. I’m assuming that each code includes all the information corresonding to that cart item such as name, price, quantity, toppings, etc.
So I think that if i can convert this list of codes back into text I should be able to have a list of all my cart items with their names, prices, quantities, toppings, etc included on my order. However I do not know how to turn this list of codes back into text display. When I googled one of these codes this was the search result.
I would like to create an integration using Make.com where when a new order is made all the cart items along with all their information are automatically posted inside a google sheet. How can I do this? Am I using the correct approach by having bubble create a list of numeric codes for each order or is their a better/easier way to do this? Is there a make.com integration that can automatically extract this list of codes when a new order is placed, translate the codes back into displayable text, and post it into the correct columns within a google sheet?
I know this is a complex question but any advice is very welcome!