I can't create a new field in a particular data type

I can’t create a new field (date) in a particular data type.

Actually the creation process is working but when I want to find the new created field it is not in the data base actually the later haven’t been created. Why?

The others new fields for the others data type seems to work fine.

On Chrome all browser extensions have been disabled and the browser has been successfully updated to the latest version. Despite this, the issue persists and I’m blocked :frowning:

Could anybody please advise?

Thank you for your help,

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Hello, can you share a screenshot of your workflow please?

Your are probably looking in different databases. Your app have a dev database and a live database. You can change the view here


I didn’t went live yet. See picture what I have.

Hi there is no workflow actually I’m in the following process see picture:

After cliking on create I can’t find the new field in the data base…

Sorry, I misunderstood. I can check if you share the app here. You can send the link via dm.

Hi thank you for reverting. I filed also a Bubble bug report after reading others posts in the forum… I think they are already working on it. I assume they will solve it.


just to close this post, I have been in contact with the support of Bubble and they identify the issue with the field limit to 1000 new field. They made also good suggestion but I don’t know if it can be implemented right now.

Actually this limit is in place to prevent performance issues, specifically with search operations. Having too many fields can make searches inefficient

Today I wend below 1000 new field but the problem persist.

I have another Data Type which is similar to the other which is not working correctly so I solved the problem by copy and past the later and I delete the one which is not allowing any new creation of field. I hope my app will still work today after the copy paste…need for sure to review everything again!!!

I think I have chance to solve this in this way for the moment but I still believe that there is was something other blocking in my data base type for a new creation which it is not easy to find out why… and hope this will be checked in the future by the Bubble developer.

Have all a good day and thank you to all for all the support provided.


Thanks to this problem you experienced, I learned about this 1000 limit, thank you. By the way, if possible, can I know what kind of project you need in 1000 fields?

It is a real estate project… maybe a little revolution for the real estate market…

Just to let you know the created input field worked few times… since yesterday with the new data base (copy/past) I was replacing the former Type in the different group and as soon as I reached the 907 field for any reason I can’t anymore create a new field… meaning that the problem really persist and the limit is below the 1000!!! Unfortunately this seems for me not right and there is nobody who really knows what’s going on…

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