Bubble AI is actually somewhat efficient
So I was using the site as a brand new user for a client, and I noticed that the new feature where Bubble asks you what you want to build, and it generates full-on guides that actually provide you a detailed explanation on what you’re building, and how your building it. This is freaking awesome. I won’t likely ever use it, but if this was something I had as a new Bubble user when I started, who knows where I’d be right now.
The realness
This is off a single prompt “How to build a multi-tenancy application”.
Each feature is separated into their individual guides and building blocks.
AI doesn’t make it for me, but guides me there
This is the best part about this system. All the AI applications you see these days do the work for you, with this AI, it guides you where you want to go.
Why is this powerful?
When spoon feeding people AI generated content without any type of “how or why”, is a terrible way of building applications on Bubble in my opinion. There is so much that has to go on behind the scenes to make your content work, and not know how it was made, or how it works is ideally how you spend wasted time trying to figure out what you pasted.
How does this solve it?
This will force users to learn the framework rather than always trying to utilize templates. The AI will guide them to build the app they want to build.
In summary
I believe Bubble’s approach is much more refreshing way of providing generated content rather than just having it “magically appear” for us. This is a much better approach for new users and to be quite fair, I’m kind of envious the get this feature and we didn’t when we first started! Hehe.