If you were to learn Bubble in 3 months how would you do it?

If you were to learn Bubble in 3 months how would you do it?

My plan is to learn bubble for 3 months then start freelancing and after that create my own app. I am already one month in and I want to know how you guys would do it.

Thank you

You’ll struggle in three months to actually be very experienced but:

  1. Build apps
  2. Rebuild those apps when you learn what went wrong
  3. Repeat

(use coupon code for 20% off: RALPH19000)


Builtcamp is very usefull

You have to accumulate knowledge , 1st way is to get exposed to it even if it is small exposure, it will build up as you sleep. So first briefly search material design 3 and download material theme builder on figma to check the designs.After that watch a 3 hour beginner video of bubble,don’t go and try hardest things you will have to learn hard parts when you need them.Don’t try to optimize for app speed first 3 months(the reason is that your first experiments will be garbage + bubble will optimize the page load speed by 3 months) .Never use plugins (only icons or bubble API connector or javascript) . You can try to copy an app to learn however it is I think best practice to work on your own idea while learning due your idea will enhance as you go through it.So,keep in mind that first introduction is everything as it accumulates .


I’ll tell you exactly how I learned Bubble in 3 months.

I had a clear business plan for my app and a direct path to revenue when it launched, but I also knew there was going to be a fair amount of exploration along the way and continuing development based on customer feedback. I wasn’t too enthused about being dependent on paying a developer or agency for any further improvements after launch and so I set out to learn the basics of how software is made.

These factors led me to Bubble in general and more specifically to the “Built to Scale” program by Coaching No Code Apps. It’s 3 months long and truly does take you from “I’ve got an idea” to an actual usable product that you can place in the hands of users.

I learned best practices and scalable design rules throughout the program and continue to follow these guidelines over three years later. We upgraded to the dedicated hosting plan this past March because of our growth so I’d say we learned scalable techniques pretty well.

Anyway, get hooked up with a reputable coaching program if you’ve got a specific app in mind and it’s worth money to you. If you’re looking just for general skills and don’t know what you want to build yet then your time and money is probably best spent on self-directed online courses.


I’ll share the way I did initially in 2020, except there is much more content available today. It is aligned, but less organised than the methods discussed above.

I started by finding some training on Udemy, showing me how to build an app. (read reviews and found someone who’s teaching style I liked). Keep in mind, I already had an app that I had been struggling to bring to life previously (a purpose for going through the effort to learn this is helpful). I then followed the video training and built along after dedicating an entire day to this before I started. About 1/2 way through, I understood enough about how Bubble operated to continue on my own. I then do what I normally do with any new subject. I’d like to learn. I obsessively immersed myself in as much content (blogs, podcasts, videos, training, forums) as I could for the next 3 months while I built out my app. In the mornings I’d start my day by learning for about 2 hours before building. This also helped keep my motivation to build high. I made sure to share any discoveries on the forum, because teaching is a great way to learn.

I also find that once I can listen to new discussions between experts on the topic and follow along at around 1.5 speed, without pausing, then my need to immerse myself that deeply, reduces. I know enough to understand exactly what they say. Just note being able to talk with expert authority is not required here, this will come much later in your journey. Then I just follow a few blogs or Podcasts, to keep on top of new developments and I still do this.

So in essence, learn what you need to get started. Have a clear purpose for learning this. Then learn as much as you need to get good. Then keep the information trickling in to keep you on top of things. I don’t know if it will work for you, but this is how I approach all my learning including Bubble and now AI. Learning Bubble has been a complete enabler for me and I am so happy I went to the effort to learn it well. Good luck on your journey of discovery.

Awesome! Thank you for sharing your experience

You’re welcome. I hope it proves helpful.

I’d switch the focus.
Most of experienced Bubble developers (freelancers and in-house) I know started with having an idea of building a super successful app. Some of them just fall in love with Bubble, others didn’t achieve success with their apps. And they switched their careers jumping into the world of no-code development.
So if you have an idea of some app - this is the best way to learn during building. It will be hard in the beginning. Especially with new Bubble WU model. But this will help you to get the basics.

To be honest, I’m not sure if there is a huge demand for junior Bubble freelancers. Of course you can try to make some cheap gigs from Upwork. But remember that:

  1. it’s not a steady stream of income
  2. these cheap gigs will make you suffer cause clients will demand a copy of Booking, AirBnB or Salesforce for 200$ and in 1 week.

So, from my POV, it’s better to start with some pet-projects and boost your skills. At least you’ll have some projects in your portfolio :slight_smile:


I can vouch for this. If you have a use case that you understand well enough, you’re motivated to build it, and you’re curious enough to experiment, you’ll learn rapidly.

I started building a month ago and I’ve surprised myself with how fast I’ve picked things up. So it’s absolutely possible to learn Bubble in 3 months - you’ve just got to be excited about what you’re building!

Havnt thought about that! Thank you I will think about it, I want to freelance since I dont have any money to launch my own app