Images not loading in version-test

Hi, an issue just started this morning for me where none of my images are loading in version-test. The images are all there - if I cut and paste the image URL into a browser window they appear. The images are appearing in production.

Anyone else having this problem?

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Hi there @joeyg,

This may be related to the Imgix outage.

Thanks @johnny. Maybe that’s the issue. How long has the outage been going on?

I’m having the same problem.

Mine’s working now.


Bubble support has confirmed it is the outage.

Thanks for reaching out about this! We’ve confirmed that Imgix is down at the moment (Imgix Status Page, Bubble Status Page), which is why some images on your site are not displaying as expected. However, it looks like Imgix has been investigating the issue and is close to implementing a fix, so your images should return to rendering as expected very soon!

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