Integromat and Bubble 404 / Type not found

My source uploads a csv file to my ftp site so I can upload this to my bubble database.

The scenario I have on Integromat works fine, until the last stage when it gets to Bubble and throws up this error:

My bubble backend workflow and database:

I am at a brick wall, but at the final stage of what I need to complete for this to work and launch my bubble app. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

I’m not sure if you take time to read this:

It will give you more information. I also recomment you to read

This will give you the exact name of each field and type. If I remember, there’s no caps letter or space in field and type.

Maybe this ‘click’ (space) ?

Try with less fields.

Thank you for your responses, but neither has worked. I have changed this to a bug report now, as I don’t believe there is anything else we can do. Bubble support have not responded yet, but Integromat support believe the problem is very much with Bubble rather that was has been set up.

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Hi, are you listing fields in load_data_types? You should be just listing the names of the objects (and make sure their API access is enabled), and the Bubble provides the field names of those objects by itself.


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