Is Lifetime Deal Pricing suitable for bubble app?

I implemented a complex SaaS platform in Bubble. A data and API intesive App with Backend logics and data hosted on AWS . I have 7 Features (Services) that each one either calling an API from AWS or from RapidAPI.
I’ve heard that using a lifetime deal is a good approach to gain some early revenue and perhaps use those early adapters for word of mouth marketing. However, with this bubble WU and pricing model I am afraid that lifetime deal actually might become a liability and result in an actual loss after couple months.
I am curious to know if anyone has tried this ? What are your thoughts about a lifetime deal for a bubble app?

This is a difficult question to answer at the moment. With the new pricing structure, Bubble can be very costly if your customers use the platform a lot and then don’t earn you anything. On the other hand, you have the advantage of choosing, from the outset, what Bubble can consume to keep WUs as low as possible. There are several solutions on this forum to keep the counter as low as possible. Of course, if I had to redo my program, I’d plan to do all the big calculation and transaction tasks outside Bubble to minimize the WU. Especially in your case, you really need to have a very clear plan about this.


Agree 100%,
fortunately for my App most of the Data and backend logic (calculations) are outside the bubble, but still I would say if a regular user stay like 30 min on my app and uses different features , it might cost me like 100WU and lets say a regular user might use 15 days a month → 1500WU . now imagine I get 100 lifetime subscriber, those will consume all my Starter plan WU :sweat_smile:

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