Hi all,
I’ve got a job board set up and have recently noticed an odd issue. I have the main job search page with all of the job listings in a repeating group, and at the top of the page, I have a dynamic text field which indicates the total number of active job postings. The repeating group does a ‘search for jobs’ with constraints like “salary min <= salaryslider’s min”, “active = yes”, “company = dropdown companyname’s value” etc, with the ‘ignore empty constraints’ box ticked. If the user searches by company, country, full time / part time, salary ranges etc, it whittles down the jobs that meet the criteria, the repeating group of job listings adjusts accordingly, and the dynamic job count at the top of the page updates accordingly. This all seemed to be fine.
I set up another page where I allow users to see some metrics on the job postings available, like salary by level of seniority, number of remote jobs available etc. I also have another field that shows the total number of active job postings (which should be the same number shown on the search page mentioned earlier), except I just used dynamic text which does a ‘search for job listings’ where the only constraint is that ‘active = yes’. The numbers do not line up - the number of active jobs shown on the search page != the number of active jobs shown on the metrics page. In my mind, omitting the other constraints like salary min / max, company name, location etc from this dynamic field would be the same as null result searches based on input fields which are empty.
I managed to trace the discrepancy back to the salary slider. I also checked this logic - when i manually use the slider and set the salary min to 0 and the max to 1,000,000 (i.e. this should be all jobs), the # of active jobs shown does not account for jobs which do not specify a salary range (i.e. jobs with empty salary min and salary max fields are excluded from search results). If I include the search constraints ‘salary max <= salaryslider’s value: max’, and/or the equivalent for salary min, and ensure ‘ignore empty constraints’ is ticked, the search results do not include job postings with no salary range included (empty salary min and max values). I modified the job search page so that on load, i’ve simply omitted the salary min & max constraints, so that the correct # of jobs are shown, and jobs with no salary range specified are displayed.
another wrinkle to this is that some records show a salary min of 0 and a max of 1, when i’ve allowed an employer to omit a salary range from the posting, which then displays as ‘salary undisclosed’ on the job postings. these types of job postings function correctly in the search results, so it is strictly records where the salary min and max values are empty that are causing problems (I believe I had an issue with a workflow that wasn’t specifying min = 0 and max = 1 when the employer ticked a box to exclude salary info when setting up a job posting, fixed now).
any idea why this may be the case? am I misunderstanding the logic in ‘ignore empty constraints’ in this case? and should I just run a workflow to clean up these records without salary info entered, and set the salary min = 0 and max = 1 just to get them sorted and the numbers working correctly? i’d like to understand the underlying issue with the search constraint and ‘ignore empty constraints’ if possible though.
loom vid to help with understanding the setup and issue: Job Board Search Page Overview | Loom
edit: site is at DataJobba | Job Postings for Data Scientists and Analysts if you want to check it out, and the metrics page is at Datajobba.