It is very clear that your app is build on Bubble

Same here - that’s an absolute must for me. Personally, I think Bubble should offer the option to get rid of the that print out, even if you charge users a fee to do so. It’s understandable that you want to leave a calling card in the platform that lets anyone build almost anything, but sometimes those things can actually break deals.

I would point also for technical IP cases problem with full visibility of data types structure and all pages’s paths available within app or even firebase paths and keys. All just by looking at DOM model without being even logged in to an app.

I am perfectly fine with all Bubble’s pros/cons and I think at this price it is a great enabling platform for many startups, but looking closer at some cons I feel like it is just a bus stop to hack my mvp get traction and gain more knowledge about my clients and values they need from me. Due to these visibility concerns I moved some of sensitive parts of my apps to different backend and I treat Bubble more like frontend instead of standalone app what for me works now much better.

Well as I said that’s an option that can be offered on a dedicated plan. will expose any frame work and any scripts running on any website.

One click and you can view every website that Bubble is hosting.

You’ll never be able to get away from data like this so best to embrace it and market above and beyond your competitors.


Saw the update, thanks guys!

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I support the idea to HIDE 'Bubble from source code. I saw a few folks mention here about WordPress and other php type apps ,which if you don’t know, can be hidden in various way using plugin(for eg Hide My Wp) or from root, do some reading on that. Several reason why it should be hidden

  1. Someone mention about security -so that’s a major valid reason.
  2. The ability for someone else replicate your idea in day is commercial/business suicide. (basically china for code). Where as the traditional platform/code method would require years of schools and thousands if not million to build and maintain. Though some equivalents to learning curve for bubble to WordPress do exists for intermediate developers(not coders)

What can be more revenue for bubble is to offer fully white labeled code for those who wants it via plugin/add on. WordPress allows this why shouldn’t bubble?

Hence, my reason for not fully trusting bubble system as yet. Though i love parts of what it does there are other things like:

  1. Where is the flexibility to migrate from bubble if there are scalability issues? You can do this with other platforms. Someone mention open source and the support for bubble as a business. Then why not give users the freedom to port there apps anywhere they please after building it with the ability to still send update via api.

That said the barriers to exit for bubble me is very high or risky from a business perspective who wants to scale but is locked in though its tempting to try it. But knowing these issue always in the back of your mind is a problem that needs solving if they wish to grow at level like Wix or Wordpress.