I"m trying to add some customization to an input element with javascript and it’s not working. I know my code is working because I have created a test input element using html (not the bubble input element) and my code works as expected on that. But when I try to point it towards the bubble element it doesn’t work.
I have also noticed similar behaviour with a group where I tried to use custom css to change the background colour of the group which I was unable to do. I could align the group as I wanted but changing the colour didn’t work.
Is there some override that bubble uses on certain things that makes it so javascript and/or css doesn’t work or is there always a way to do any customization you want and I’m just missing something in my javascript code?
I know this might be easier to answer with some screenshots but before I go to the effort of simplifying everything so it is forum postable, I thought I just see if there are any general guidelines I should be aware of.
Thanks in advance.