Looking for an experienced bubble developer, who also has design expertise for a permanent position

Hi Everyone,

I have developed a few apps which I manage full time, I need another bubble expert to work alongside me to help drive our app development forward, as well as cover for me where necessary when I am on annual leave.

The ideal candidate would be an experienced bubble developer with some example apps they have created, as well as some great design expertise with some design examples.

We are looking for someone to help us permanently; this could be a remote position of 20-30 hours of work per week, plus overtime when covering annual leave.

Drop me a message if you are interested.

Thank you


Hi Jason,
I just DMed you my details.
Please let me know if you need more details.


Hi @jason24

We can help you in the app screen ui design. Let’s DM me here for the details discussion further.

Would you be willing to work with an Agency? We have a developer available that might be able to assist. I’m not sure if it’s what you are looking for though, we can still discuss it and see if we can get something to work. Want a free introductory call?

Hello @jason24 ,

Shared my details over DM.
Looking forward to hear from you.


Hi, I’m excited to work with you. I have expertise in bubble development .
Please DM me.

Hey @jason24 ,

Dropped you a message! :smile:

Hi Jason, Johannes here from No-Code App Labs. Please see my DM for more information. Thanks

Thank you for all of your messages; I will sieve through all the messages I have and will not be accepting any new messages.

I will decide on somebody next week and make contact.