Looking for Beta Testers - Visuaal.co : A simple tool to share and review visual content with your team

Hello Bubblers,

This is the first time I say something on this forum, so I’d like to start with a big thank you. Thanks to Bubble, I am now able to create any app I want and thanks to all of you I’m able to find a solution when I’m stuck while building. I’ve learned a great deal simply reading your insights, this community is amazing.

As a community manager for a private company, I always found visual content reviewing to be a pain. Email or private messages on WhatsApp, feedback scattered across channels, and existing tools are way overkill for small teams.

During the 2nd lockdown here in France, I sat down and started building a tool to solve my own problem. I’ve been learning how to use Bubble.io for a few month now so this was an opportunity to put everything I know into a real project : visual dev, webmarketing, web design and so on.

Visuaal.co was born, a simple tool to share and review visual content with your team - initialy for social media, but any graphic design work will do, even photography. All I had left to do was to put together a landing page and then deploy the app. How exciting !

Visuaal is live as we speak. Next : find beta testers to make the app even better while keeping it as simple as possible. If anyone is interested in testing the app with his/her team to help move forward with this, I would be honored !

That being said, I’m not a pro-Bubbler yet but I have a background in Marketing, Social Media, Web Design and Photography. I’d be happy to help in these areas. This isn’t a one way street :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading ! I can’t wait to chat with you all !

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Hi @therealcisse

Great work! Just signed up and took a look around.

The early experience is straightforward and I can see its use. May I suggest to take a look at https://air.inc/ as a source of reference as you make progress in your project.

Best of luck!

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Hello @cmarchan ! Thanks a lot for taking the time to take a look around.
Air Inc looks like a great source of reference for this project indeed. Definitely going to have a closer look at this.

See you around!

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I would say the versioning for your content is not really clearly outlined or certainly not intuitive… Is not a criticism it’s just an observation. Also if I provide a comment there no restriction on me accidentally hitting the same indicator and providing the very same, the second time… Again just a little observation. Generally if I were using this in April and paid for environment I words certainly expect the ability to annotate markup just as the last point to mention

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Thanks a lot for the feedback. I’m glad you point that out since versioning is a core feature of the app. How would you expect the versioning to look like/work ?

Not sure I understood what you’re saying about the comment/restriction part of your feedback. Do you mind explaining it again ? I’m a slow learner :wink:

By “annotate markup”, I assume you mean commenting directly on the designs ?

Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer !

Hi there. After shutting it down for financial reasons, I’m glad to say I’m working on a new version of this app. Will keep you posted if you’re interested.

Hi there,

The app is back online if you’d like to have a look.
Bubble | No-code apps (visuaal.co)

I used the Figma to Bubble thing to import all the UI elements, worked like a charm.

See you around !