Looking to hire a freelancer to build mvp

Hey guys! I’m looking for a freelancer who can help me create Spred: which allows clothing resellers to upload their posts to all online clothing marketplaces. You can view the website here (mockups are currently not up yet): https://usespred.com/

For the MVP, i’m looking for a freelancer to connect API’s and provide the ability for users to login to our platform, and post their piece of clothing to all the online marketplaces - this includes Ebay, Etsy, Pinterest, Instagram, Poshmark, Mercari, etc.

I know some of these companies don’t have a public api, so I wouldn’t expect you to be able to do those, but just all the ones available that do have a public api.

The project budget is negotiable, and I do not expect any design work, as I’ll have mockups for you to be able to simply “code” this program.

If you’re interested, please book a time with me here for a quick get to know you call: https://calendly.com/kaitofromspred/15min.

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Hello @kaito

We’ll be glad to help you out with this. Check your PM please and feel free to leave your request on our website, or just email us at projects@ezcode.co .

Regards EzCode Team !

Hi Kaito,
This is something that is well within my skill set and I would be interested in hearing more on your project.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson56782@gmail.com
Best Wishes,

Hey Andrew, please review this google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nG7MCPfvVLqB3zDFVYiaZBq8i3IeCHp2?usp=sharing

If you’re still interested in this project, would love to talk - kaito@usespred.com.

@kaito…you may want to change the link here. Your survey is showing your respondents email addresses. Also we all have full access to edit your spreadsheets. You may want to change those share settings.

Just looking out for you bud.

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