Lottie animation - animate when visible

I want to add a Figma animation to my site - Lottie seems liek the best way to do it.

Is it possible to:

  1. Only start animation when the lottie group is fully visible sinve users have to scroll down to see it and ‘On Page load’ would mean animation is complete by the time they see it.

  2. Quality is very low (i.e pixelated). Is there a setting I need to change in Lottie or Figma to improve this? When I export a PNG of the frame it is crisp.

Page is Loaded Fully and Page Scrolling Position > 200

From what I can see, you might not have the right sizing? Make sure your icons/resources are the correct size when exporting/importing it in, and the container isn’t blowing it up or downsizing it.