Meta Description and Conditionnels

I built my site on a single page, the different pages is displayed thanks to the navigation by url and the conditional of each group.
you know if it is possible to change the meta description of the different groups for each page ?

To some degree, yes. You can’t change meta description with conditions, but you can use the “yes/no:formatted as text” method to change the meta description based on what the URL parameter says.

You can build multiple layers of yes/no:formatted as text to include more than two options. Page fields like Meta description have a limited number of data sources, so you’ll have to be creative for the text source, but it’d doable.

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Thank you for this answer, moreover, once this step is done correctly, do you think that all the pages of my site will be referenced correctly as a classic site?
Can a site mapp be edited ?

I can’t say for sure, unfortunately, but in theory it should, as long as you link to all the available parameter URLs you are using.

I assume you’re changing them with the Go to page action. If so, it’s hard to say whether all search engines pick up on it. You can add another page with links to all the page sections (link to that page, including the URL parameter), as well as a sitemap which can increase the chance.

It’s a bit unpredictable how search engines responds to URL parameters, but I’m not following SEO practices that closely nowadays, so maybe someone knows more than me about this.

thank you very much for all this information, I will try to inquire but bubble does not talk about it really on its documentation

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Good point! I happen to be working on the documentation, so I’ll see what can be done to shed some light on things.

SEO as general topic is not easy to document though, as it keeps changing and every search engine has its own algorithm. So the docs can explain how to do stuff in Bubble, but can’t say with any certainty how exactly search engines react now and next year.

We have this article series that covers SEO in general (you may already have seen it). It doesn’t answer all your questions, but may shed light on some things.