Need a partner ASAP


I have been working with very unique Social Media app since 5 month
I need a partner who has a good knowledge about UI and Responsiveness,
as my app is web and Mobile app based
The web is almost done , My plan is after finish the Responsiveness view , using any warping tool to make it a native app as well
If you interested txt me ,
who knows , we might be the next Facebook or Twitter :slight_smile:



I hope it works out for you! Congrats. Maybe share a link to your app so they can see what they are getting themselves into.

It might be hard getting someone to come into it if you havenโ€™t thought about UI and responsiveness from the beginning. I always make sure that UI and responsiveness is a part of my initial plan since it impacts so much.

Anyways, hope you can find someone! :slight_smile: