Need help to filter the data

I’m newbie in Bubble. Pls help me this thing:

  • I have 2 data type: Customer, Contact. 1 customer can have many contacts, but 1 contact just belong to 1 customer.
  • When i create new customer and select the contacts: i don’t want the dropdown to show the contacts that belong to another customer. Pls help me to do it.

I’m sorry for my bad english.

connect both to user and do current users contacts it will only show their contacts and not the customers contacts.

But they are not related to User data type.
User data type is used for my app user (my company user)

Yes i understand that’s why im telling you to make it that way to filter it.

Could you tell me in detail, i couldn’t find out today.

Hey @Kenny_M , not sure if this will work for your scenario but it’s how I’ve got my app setup:
Instead of having a list of contacts field on the customer, have a customer field (not a list) on the contact. So each contact has a customer. This way you can do a search for contacts with a constraint like:
Customer = *newly created customer

Hi Harry7
My problem is solved: I did as you said and combined it with a few steps after watching this video, and this article:


No worries, glad you got it sorted!