Would you be able to demo a few simple use cases? I have a few ideas in mind but not very sure how this can be implemented at a basic and advanced level inside Bubble.
This is exactly what I want to do. I have a customer satisfaction management app where businesses can analyze support tickets. I want my users to be able to visually build automation workflows based on support ticket score. For example, if score is below 5, send email to manager, else a different action.
I think the term I’m referring to is branching.
I have not worked with JSON or any code before so it would be very helpful to see some examples put together in the editor
Hey @sam.cr I put together the below - which kind of illustrates your example. From this you’d need to extract what you need from the JSON output and create some workflows to manage your if/then/else process
I have included the JSON code used to create these blocks, yell out if I can help further,
"label": "Get Support Score",
"iconClass": "fas fa-star-o",
"description": "Utilise the Support Score to determine follow up",
"fields": [
"header": "Support Score",
"label": "Select Option",
"type": "dropdown",
"options": ["More than 5","Less than 5"]
"label": "Send Email",
"iconClass": "fas fa-envelope",
"description": "Send an automated email from content within the workflow",
"fields": [
"header": "To",
"label": "To Field",
"type": "input"
"label": "Subject",
"header": "Subject Field",
"type": "input"
"label": "Body (HTML):",
"header": "Body Field",
"type": "textarea"
"label": "Send SMS",
"iconClass": "fas fa-sms",
"description": "Send an automated SMS from content within the workflow",
"fields": [
"header": "To",
"label": "Recipient's Phone Number",
"type": "input"
"label": "Message",
"header": "Message Field",
"type": "textarea"
uh i like it a lot - i think you could give the user also an styling option for the css so i can add types in css and then the data with your json strukture… looks pretty good to be honest and is highly felexible.
Also a good thing is a button function and a “is focused” function so u can get the id of the json that is selected.
i think then u able to build everything really good.