[New Plugin] - FitText

Hi everybody,

I recently published a plugin that transforms your app’s font sizes to flexible sizes.

FitText transforms the size of your app’s fonts into flexible sizes. Use the plugin in your app to get scalable title results that fill the full width of your element. The “FitText” plugin will only work on the “Text” element of the Bubble.

Take a look at our demo page for a showcase:
https://acampamentonocode-plugins.bubbleapps.io/version-test/fittext (the editor is public!)


I’m getting this error from when I try to use the plugin. Do you know how to fix this?

Hi, I’m looking for a plugin that will automatically set the font size dynamically based on the size of the editor/group that the text is fitting in, so it doesnt overflow the allotted space. Is it possible with this plugin? Ideally, I’ve got a text editor that sits inside a group, and when the text in the editor grows beyond the fixed group, it would downsize the font to contain it. Thanks!

Also getting the same error as described above when I try to use this…