[New Plugin] Image Compressor by EzCode

The image is already in a low quality, you need to lower the parameters to compress the image, set them to a lower resolution, in this case you are doing the compression with compress parameters higher than the image itself.

Hello, I bought the plugin, great work, thanks. I have a question, how can I save the compressed files to the dev database when developing instead of the live one? it is automatically saved to the live. (even if i preview in dev). thanks

hi !
I’ve got this plugin and really like it.
But I would need the thumbnail creation to happen also for a list of photos.
I saw this topic popping in this forum in February and it looks like you guys are planning this feature to happen.
Any chance this is planned for soon ?

There is AWS S3 support for uploading, however I do not see if you can use Wasabi S3 storage for this plugin. The “identity pool id” may not be something Wasabi uses however they do act as a 100% bit-compatible version of AWS. Does anyone know what settings could be used to get Wasabi S3 storage working? @ezdev

Update v.3.3.0

Added List - Thumbnails state
Used when compressing multiple images.
The state will be available if the “Create thumbnail” checkbox is enabled in the plugin settings.

Hi, we just added this feature to the plugin :wink:

Dear @ezdev
Is there a way to extract with an hight for uploaded image? (in px)

All the best

Hi, you can’t but we can add it in the next update

Would be amazing, thx!

Done! Check newly added states

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Amazing. Thank you!
Plugin purchased.


Hello @ezdev ,
I want to upload image as private.
I tried to use Ez file uploader as you mentioned but didn’t work. Could you explain how to set up?
*So far, I can compress, upload, store URL to the data via .(Non private image)
Thanks in advance!!

Hi guys!

There is a bug:
“Compressor’s solo size before compress Number in MB” is always empty
“Compressor’s solo size after compress Number in MB” does output an integer

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Hey @larsh

Fixed, update your plugin to vers 3.4.0

Regards Pavel, EazyCode Team !

The plugin seems to work well, but I need to add an image watermark. Is an evolution planned?

I tried adding the Watermark image aqua plugin, but I can’t get both together to work. do you have an idea ?

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Hey @jpma

There is native function in a plugin for watermarks


Hope it helps

Regards Pavel, EazyCode Team !

Thank you for your answer. but I think I was not clear. sorry.

I want the watermark to be an image/logo. (add an image on the compressed image and not a written text).


Any update on the ability to drag and drop onto an element to trigger the workflow? I have a group set as the trigger to initiate the file selection but it would be really neat to allow people to just drag onto this group :slight_smile:

Hi @eazycode I’ve been using your plugin for the dev of my app but now that I decided to wrap it to make it “native like”, I’m facing some issues as the workflow ‘select multiple’ is triggering the native camera instead of the normal bubble workflow. This is causing issues as the camera doesn’t work and the gallery only works for one picture at a time. How can I work around it? Thanks in advance!

I have implemented your plugin to load multiple images. I need to store the Base64 in the database. However, when multiple images are uploaded, the Base64 encoding for each image is stored in the same thing and separated by commas. Is this the intended function? If so, how do i separate them to show in a repeating group?


Is it possible to add a position for the watermark to be ‘center’. Having options of center top, center bottom, center center would be great. When I have images uploaded that are not of the same size (ie: not as wide), the watermark is not added to the image itself as it is not centered and is instead on the left or right. I want to have a watermark dead center on the image.

Also, is it possible to get some kind of background. When I have a watermark on an image that has a darker set of colors my watermark doesn’t show. If the image has lighter colors and my watermark text is white the watermark doesn’t show. It would be great to have an opacity on a background of the watermark so that it will show properly no matter what colors are in the image.