[New Plugin] Image Compressor by EzCode

Thank you very much for the instruction, I just tried and it is working now!

btw, when I use the " 'solo - file name" and the original file’s extension is .jpg it will automatically add .jpeg after and the file name becomes like xxx.jpg.jpeg. Is this a normal behavior of the plugin?

Glad to inform you that we have added a new event “Error Compressing” and a new state “Error Message” in the latest update.

Thanks for the feedback.

@ezdev Amazing! Thank you. I use your plugin in every app I build that has images so this is a big win.


I’m testing out this plug in and (I think) I’m following the instructions from the live demo currently, however I get an error. Am I doing something wrong?

You are trying to Upload the Thumbnail in the event Done compression, maybe you have mistakenly selected it? The idea here is to use the compressed image not its thumbnail.

Like this

However, when trying to upload the thumbnail, there’s indeed an error on the plugin side, we will fix it asap.

Thanks for getting back to me.
That issue is now gone but I have another issue; I sent you a private message to not spam this forum.

This upload action is supposed to work with the compressed Base64 that you get once the compression is done.

Yes it was my mistake thanks

Hi @ezdev,

This seems to work fine on every browser besides one that is wrapped in an Android app.

It opens the camera, takes a picture but doesn’t display it after.

I’m using your plugin demo site.

Is there anyway to look into/fix this?


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This plugin is working properly on IOS.

However, there is an error on Android.
It works correctly when i first upload the image.

When I try to upload the image a second time, the image is not compressed.

Can you please fix this error?
Please see the attached video

■Workflow Instructions

Select multiple Compressor

“Compressor multiple selected”
→"Compress multiple Compressor"

“Compressor Done multiple compression”
→"Upload multiple images Compressor"

Hi, thanks for the feedback.
According to your video, you are testing with 1 image, so you are selecting the same image for the second time, this is why it doesn’t work. This is a browser feature as it “sees” that this particular image was already selected once during this session, and it doesn’t make sense to select and compress the same image twice.
Please try to test it with different images.

Thank you

I checked and it worked.
thank you

Hi @ezdev

Great plugin you have here. One issue I am experiencing is that I save the compressed image in the database, but when external services such as facebook / linkedin etc scrape this image for SEO and link previews they cannot resolve the image at all. I think this has something to do with the way the compressed image is stored? It does not seem to resolve to a readable URL?

For example if I try to look up the URL in bubble I get:

As such I am trying to work out how I could provide an image to linkedin / facebook etc. Do you know an easy way?

One idea I had was to use the upload to AWS s3 option, but it is not well documented and I am not experienced. I have gone through the following and got everything in place according to this guide: Uploading Photos to Amazon S3 from a Browser - AWS SDK for JavaScript

However, it does not seem to work? Do you have a specific example of what text you need to enter here:

Do I need to put the ARN? or literally just the bucket name? Similarly am I literally putting the Pool ID or the ARN for the role (e.g. arn:aws:iam::322334071971:role/Cognito_nameUnauth_Role
) or something else?

Very new to this.



Have you tried to upload it using the action Upload image compressor? Seen how our demo uploads it, you get a valid URL in the end.

@ezdev I did try that and yes it works, but it seems I had to do it in multiple steps… (select and compress → upload image compressor ) and it really broke the flow of the app I had built. I began working on a way to get it to work more smoothly but as I started working on this, I remembered that I am already becoming a bit concerned that the bubble database might become massive and then they will start charging me for extra storage at a way higher rate than AWS. Therefore, I thought if I was going to add an extra step, I might as well make that extra step upload to AWS S3 instead of uploading to the local DB, and avoid another problem in a couple of months.

As such, if you have clearer instructions on what you need to do to upload to S3, that would be incredibly helpful!

Namely what is the format of the text that goes in the Bucket name field and Identity Pool Id field? Are they the full ARNs etc? Right now, so many different things might not be working correctly, (how I’ve set up Unauthenticated federated users in AWS, the bucket itself in AWS, the policies in AWS etc), at least knowing that I’ve put the correct information in this plugin, will at least eliminate that as a potential problem.


Unfortunately I’m not an AWS expert, and I don’t want to give you wrong or perhaps outaded information, this feature was added as additional “bonus” feature to the plugin since the main idea of it is to compress images, this is the main focus of the plugin.

However, you gave me an idea to combine all those actions into one.
The action will do: Select, Compress, Upload, all at once.

I hope this may help you to use less workflow actions.

Hi Andrew thanks for this. I’ll give this a go once you update the plugin.

I guess I’ll look to another solution for S3. Now that I think about it, it would probably be best running S3 uploads server side in the background anyway.

Anyway, look forward to the update. I have to say this is the best bubble plugin I have used so far, really well built, and maintained!

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This plugin is very useful.
Is it possible to upload an image from my computer by dragging it on the button?

Not in the current version but we are working on such feature.

I am using your plugin well.
However, some images increase in capacity. check the problem I tested it on your demo site.