[New Plugin Updates] Drawing & Painting Canvas

Can images be generated via a backend workflow? e.g. lets say I set up a template, would I be able to trigger an image generation from somewhere else in the app and then return that value without having the Canvas element on the page?

Hi @shaun thanks for reaching out!

If you’re trying to generate images from the plugin, the Canvas element will need to be on the page, although you can hide it in a popup or behind another element.

Hope that helps answer your question!

Is there any intention of adding the ability to rotate a selected element through a workflow? Thanks.

Hey @alex4 , Could you look into the possibvility of adding variable strobe widths, based on the speed it is drawn? This is an example in Google Keep with the pen tool:

There some signature pad plugins on Bubble as examples too, they let you specify minimum width and maximum and it seems they do a calculation based on that to map pen-speed to-width.

Hi @Garth

Is there any intention of adding the ability to rotate a selected element through a workflow? Thanks.

Thanks for reaching out! I can look into this request. What is your timeline looking like?


Hey @alex4 , Could you look into the possibvility of adding variable strobe widths, based on the speed it is drawn? This is an example in Google Keep with the pen tool:

thanks for the feature request here! I can look into what it might take to build something out like this. What’s your timeline looking like?

No timeline, just a feature request to make the pen more handwriting/signature style :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Also my main use-case would be touchscreen Windows 11 devices. I noticed the touch interaction is pretty buggy on the demo pages. Placing text boxes won’t prompt Windows to open the keyboard, if you tap off it then tap on it then it opens the keyboard, but backspacing will delete instead of backspacing text. Just little weird things going on… has there been any testing on touchscreen Windows? Is it something fixable or is it inherent issues with Fabric.js?

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Thanks @alex4 for this great plugin. Rotation in the workflow isn’t a deal-breaker, but it would definitely enhance my users’ experience with the ablity to automate some of my projects repetitive functions.

Hi Alex. The “tainted canvas” issues seem to only appear when I set a background image on a canvas. I am not sure if is has to do with the CORS protocols…


Hi, I’m trying to get text working with this workflow but every time I add text to the canvas it’s in Italic. This happens when Italic is set to yes or no and happens on all fonts. Any idea why?

Just an update, I figured out a work-around.

If I add a ‘Update Selected Text Font Style’ step after adding the text it will remove the italic. The bug is still there however.

Hi Adam
I am also getting the “Tainted Canvas” Error when saving a canvas with a background image
I have reached out to Alex on many occasions but have still not received a solution
Were you able to resolve this issue?

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I removed the background image and used a workflow to insert it. Then the problem disapeared

Hi Adam

Thank you for the reply
Yes I have done the same and it seems to work (Not accessing Images via URL for some reason)

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Great plugin! I am not sure if this has been discussed already, but would it be possible to get the PNG/SVG url that is generated as a “result of the previous step”?

I have workflow actions that involve generating the URL, and doing some processing (base64 encoding) before passing it to an external API. Right now, it seems I have to pass the URL to the canvas element first, and then can access it in the workflow, but this is unreliable because the canvas element usually does not have time to update before the next step of the workflow is run, so it ends up passing an empty parameter to the external API.

Hi @ryanellman thanks for kind words about the plugin and for the request here!

I can look into your request but want to check: have you tried firing that action on the plugin event called “A Canvas… has generated a saved image URL”? That would ensure the image URL has already been created before you try to do anything with it. Does that make sense?

See the event on the workflow tab below:

Thank you! Yes, I was able to get everything working the way you described. This has the same effect as getting the URL as a result of the previous step so need to look into that (at least on my behalf :slight_smile: ).

Great to hear! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions @ryanellman

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Thank you!!

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I did have one more question - is there a way to change the color of all the existing strokes on a canvas through a workflow action or by other means when the canvas was previously painted on using the free draw mode? Thanks!

Hi there,

The plugin is working fine except that I’m unable to download the canvas. I’m trying to use an image as my background and this is when I get the error below.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 102650

Looking for some help!


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