One user receiving messages for other users

Hi Bubble community,

I am having trouble with a messaging issue- when I log in as student in one browser and log in as a tutor in another browser, I can exchange messages between Lama (tutor) and Gary (student). But when Gary (student) messages another tutor in the system, Ahmed, Lama (tutor) still receives Ahmed’s message in the browser while she is still logged in.

Is this a bug or is there a good way to test messaging so one tutor doesn’t receive all the tutors’ messages?

Thanks for your help in advance,

It is probably a improperly structured messaging system…

If you have things set up so there is one conversation sent to tutor as a type it would be a problem.

When I needed to learn about how to create a messaging app, I downloaded a free template for messaging and picked it apart to understand the basics of how a messaging app should function.

You should have separate conversations between two users, not a single conversation between one user and all others…unless you want a group messaging system.

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I have figured it out- I had set it up incorrectly in my logic. Thanks for the input @boston85719 !