OpenAI API json data parsing

I’ve been spending days trying to solve this simple issue: working with data received from API Connector from OpenAI Assistant. I simply want to save in my db the data. I have nested list, in a simple straighforward formart. I’ve tried getting the data in json:,but I receive always a json (the responses from Assistant) nested under another json (the whole response), so bubble doesn’t recognize the nested json. To fix, I’ve tried, unsuccesfully:

  1. Sending back to a bubble API to force it te recognize as a valid json format
  2. A myriad of regex extractions
  3. Trying to receive the data without authomatic backlashes that are breaking the json format
  4. json pluggins
  5. Receive the data in text instead of json: bubble still adds backlashes everywhere, breaking the format
  6. Extract the metadata and other useless sections to keep only the content of the message I want to save: no tool so far can manage to extract it.

Their customer are not responsive, the bot is useless, I’ve watched dozens of videos on it, read through bubble help center, no success . How can something so trivial can be so convouted. If anyone had similar issue and managed to solve it, please let me know!

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Send the nested json to a backend workflow and then use Return data from api

Content type application json.

Try it out.