Output from Javascript into Bubble

Hi All,

I wonder if anyone got a better idea to implement this.

I have a javascript running on the page via an expression element.
The script output 4 lists of numbers.
I have 4 JavascripttoBubble elements to take each of the list back to bubble.

Is it possible to use 1 JavascripttoBubble element to output the four lists as a dataype or json so that Bubble can access each of the list?

I imagine one element is much more efficient than 4.

Hey @phan.personal :wave:

You can send as many parameters as possible (ok at most 8 I guess) by using the following settings. See demo below:

You have to set the following parameters in JS2Bubble:

And you call the function like this:


If you want to check the editor, here it is: Bubble Demos by Flusk | Bubble Editor

I hope this helps.

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble


Thanks for this!

ps. will be using Flusk BTW when my app is completed.

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