PDF Conjurer (updated free plugin, now saving to database)

Yes exactly :slight_smile:

EDIT: I’ve added a screenshot to make it more clear…

My goal is to have 1) the text alignment options that the advanced table offers and 2) the border styling options of the standard table!

Really hope you could help me with this!

PS: If text alignment options per field in a regular table are possible through BB-code then would you be so kind as to how to use the workflow steps? I don’t seem to understand (and I did use the rich text editor as per your recommendations)…

Thanks again!

On border style: Got it now! Added that to the backlog.
On using BBCode inside tables, it will be out soon :blush:

hello @vini_brito did you see my previous message in this thread ? I cannot use the plugin in the last version.

I’m not sure if other users have found this issue, but it appears the the plugin does not work in Safari and creates a blank pdf. When testing with Chrome all appears to work fine.

@Sarah_Esteve Yep, I think it is the same thing I answered about here: PDF Conjurer (updated free plugin, now saving to database) - #754 by vini_brito

@mike2 Can you file a bug report here? Unlimited Bubbling - Report a bug



oki doki ! Didn’t saw sorry (word search in post doesn’t work on screenshots :sweat_smile:)

I have a question @vini_brito . On a previous app, I use the version without server side. Will I be in trouble if I update the plugin (with the previous step thing) ? does the field previous step used only on server side ?

The client side and server side actions are incompatible between themselves, they cannot interact with one another. Like oil and water.

So when you generate a specific PDF, you use either all server side or all client side actions.
It is easy to identify the client side ones, they come from the element PDF Model X.

However, of course in the same workflow you could use them both to create two different PDF’s, they don’t interfere with each other, it would just be messy and confusing :yum:.

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re-hello @vini_brito

I working on the header part. I read that it is working like a multicolumn ?

I would like to display lie this :


But all I get is

Logo baseline separator (and the baseline text is compressed in width).

A trick to do this ? I tried to play with margins without success :confused:


There is some time since I last touched that feature, but I think that yes, header and footer do behave like a multi-column. You can try other ways, like having all the data inside a single image and simply placing an image in the header. :blush:


Hi there,

Can anyone share a good designed PDF made with PDF conjurer? I’m exploring the design possibilities.

Thanks to all and specially @vini_brito for creating this plugin.

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@vini_brito Can’t wait for the server side fix. :grinning:


It is out already, try it (:
And of course report any additional or persistent issues.


Working fine now thanks Vini. Any plans to allow making server generated files private?


Just wondering if any of the PDF conjurer pros can give a service of creating the design of the PDF that I need since I don´t have the knowledge and the time.

Thanks a lot to all in advance :slight_smile:.

@dehacked79 It can be done, but there is currently no project to make it happen. If you or someone else sponsors the work needed to build it in, then yes, it would be built :yum:

Hello, love this plugin and just started working with backend workflows. Is there a way to track the current count of a repeating structure? You input the number of times the structure will repeat, but I don’t see how to reference the current item # the list is currently on for completing searches on other tables.

Thank you!

Hi @mloveland33!
Okay, so I get where you come from, but specifically the design of this action was built to iterate on one table/data-type only. Of course you could do something like “User’s Car”, with “car” being another table, but no I don’t think I exposed a counter for that purpose, so for now your best shot is to use relations between tables.
Let me know if this is enough! :blush:


I’m getting a new error with the plug in. Seems to happen intermittently.


Makes sense and what I thought. Thank you for the quick response.

I’m going to try a workaround today… A backend workflow that creates lists from the tables I need to reference in the PDF and then calls the PDF backend workflow. I should be able to reference all the lists I created in the PDF backend workflow.

If it works, I’ll let you know, but right now just a thought.