PDF conjurer use script for equation rendering


I’m working on an app which has to give some mathematical equations (with MathJax script).
I’m using the script below:

I would like insert the result of this in a PDF (using BBcode). I just add these above lines between and like this:

But the BBcode isn’t working (I checked the parse BBcode in PDF conjurer)…

Any suggestion about how I can manage to insert equation in a PDF?

Thank you!

Hi @alexandre.vanhaver,

Thank you for reaching out!

We have conducted some tests and the feature appears to be functioning correctly on our end. It’s possible that the “result of step 6” might contain excessive data or the data is not ready yet, preventing the action from fully rendering everything, which could cause the closure of the “code” tag in BBCode to be not present. In the last screenshot you provided, it seems the text cuts off at <p>, and the closing tag isn’t visible.

Could you try removing the “result of step 6” and testing it again? This might resolve the issue for now. As you can see in the screenshots below, the first one contains both the opening and closing tag for “code”, where the second screenshot does not have the closing tag.


Best regards :hibiscus:

Hi @alexandre.vanhaver,

Hope you had a refreshing weekend!

We wanted to follow up and see if you were able to make the function work correctly on your side. Please get back to us with a quick update when you have a moment.

Best regards :sunflower:

Hi @ZeroqodeSupport ,

Sorry for the long delay.
Thank you to ask. I’ll share more details :slight_smile:
Since I’m not able to add the [code] and [/ code] in the PDF plugin, I’m just adding a data from the user where I’m recording all the data.

The “historique_conv” is define like this:

That way (in my mind), the PDF will generate the text with the code tag (and the BBCode will work)
But, in the end, the BBcode is use “like a text”:

As we can see the data is available.

I hope is clearer :slight_smile:

Hi @alexandre.vanhaver,

Thanks for the extra details :pray:

We noticed you are using the “Create Table” action and adding BBCode within one of the columns, correct?

Our testing revealed that BBCode is not recognized within the “Create Table” action. As we are still in the process of fully migrating and reviewing the plugin, we cannot make immediate changes at this moment. However, we’ve noted that the “Create Text” action works correctly with BBCode. Could we suggest using this action in the meantime?

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. We’ll keep you updated as soon as we have more information.

Best regards :hibiscus:

Hi @ZeroqodeSupport ,

Thank you for your reply. I switch the action to “create Text”.

We can see that the tag is working but not the script

Did you already try with a script like mine?


Hi @alexandre.vanhaver,

It appears the “Code” tag is functioning as designed. From what you’ve showed, it seems the formatting has changed, and the code tag isn’t visible. Could you please clarify what you were expecting the code tag to do?

Best regards :hibiscus:

Hi @ZeroqodeSupport ,

I’m using the code to display math equations (Latex) in my website (in a HTML). I don’t know if it’s possible to display like my website inside the PDF file.

Again, thanks for the help
Best regards,

Hi @alexandre.vanhaver,

Unfortunately, such a use case will not be possible with this plugin. The Code tag is designed to format text to be recognizable as code within the document.

For your requirement, PDF converters such as the one we offer, that take an image from the page and convert it to an PDF, might be a better solution to achieve your desired outcome :pray:

Best regards :sunflower: