[PLUGIN] - Google Maps Geometry/Drawing + W3W

Hey @pork1977gm! Recently you fixed an issue for me with map pins not displaying (only a few of them), however, my client passed this to me:

"After deployment (and refresh), all pins show immediately.

But after some time, the pins take longer to generate. The longer we go between deployments the longer it takes for pins to render, and sometimes they don’t render at all.

I believe there was a deployment yesterday, and pins showed up quickly. If we go a few more days I don’t think all the pins will show up at all, no matter how long I wait on that screen for them to show up.

First screen shot is first glance at Listings screen

Second screen shot is about 3 minutes later when pins finally rendered. " (images attached)

Personally, the ones he mentioned that appeared after some minutes never appeared, but it is what he es experiencing. Is there something that we can do about it? Appreciate it!