[Plugin Update] Free Daily.Co Plugin Coming Soon

No worries! So you have a couple of options with mux. In particular, you can get this through their dashboard or programmatically through the API. The daily plugin lets you stream the call directly to mux so all the information would be accessible through mux itself.

Manually in the MUX Dashboard:

To get a stream key, you’ll:

  1. Sign into mux, and in the left pane, head to video/live streams
  2. Select create new live stream
  3. Select run request and then view live stream
  4. When you select view live stream you’ll see some information about your live stream, including your stream key and your RTMP URL options.
  5. In the daily live stream action in the plugin, you’ll put your RTMP URL combined with your stream key into the RTMP URL property in the below format rtmp://global-live.mux.com:5222/app/yourstreamkey
  6. In your dashboard, you’ll also see your playback URL, which you can copy or store
  7. Once you join a room as a room owner, you’ll be ready to start the Livestream and when it ends you can do what you’d like with the link!

Programatically through the MUX API:

  1. Send a post request to https://api.mux.com/video/v1/live-streams
  2. The response (which will be accessible in a bubble if you use the api connector) will include your stream key, which you’ll combine with rtmp://global-live.mux.com:5222/ to start a livesream in the daily - live stream action
  3. The response will also include the playback id, which you can combine to create a playback url https://stream.mux.com/{PLAYBACK_ID}.m3u8

Hope that helps!