[PLUGIN UPDATE] Wonderful Video&Image Slider V1.1 (Big update with lots of good news)


You’d like to add an image list here but “add” operator doesn’t fit with this case. “Add” for adding a single entry to a list. But “Multifile Uploader’s Value” is a list. Not a single entry. Therefore, you should use “add list” or “set list” operator for this case. It will solve your problem.


Hi Efe,

Thanks for checking it out. Sorry, I created a post with data “video” . The post is called “Test Efe 2”.

Let me know if anything is unclear.

Thank you for your help, Daniel.

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Hey @Efe , thank you so much!!! It worked!! Sorry for taking your time to something so simple, anyways, I’m very grateful for your help! I hope you have a wonderful day!


Hey Efe,

Thank you so much for your support. I figured it out.

Among other things, I applied your suggestion.

Thank you again!


Great to hear! Since you are not working on the image plugin anymore, I will check in regularly to see if Wonderful Video&Image Slider has sped up so I can swap it out. I think since I am using a one page app format, it can be quite fast, it ends up being quite noticeable, so it’s not worth it for my user experience right now.

Thanks for the honesty and reply!

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Hi guys! I’ve been using this Wonderful Vidoe & Image plugin and its been working out great so far. However, my videos don’t show any sound. Does anyone know how I can add video to my video slideshows on mobile?

My editor: check it out

I’d be hugely grateful if anyone helped me out! Thanks.

Thank you so much for this plugin. This is very useful. I just have a request though regarding the videos playing at the same time. It would be awesome to have a function to pause whenever a condition is met. Thank you!


Hello, @drozhatvids!

Glad to you like it! :star_struck:

Your suggestion is really good. I will work to ensure this in future updates. I will let you know when there is an update for this feature.


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Hi @Efe . Is it possible to have the slider keep gliding continuously (at a specified speed), like on this page :


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I am having trouble keeping the slider height from squeezing down in responsive mode. Here is the normal height (300):

But it squeezes when the page width is reduced:

I have tried reducing the number of visible slides every 300 px but no use. I also tried adding conditionals to keep it at 300px height but it has no effect whatsoever:

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

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Hello, @deejay.shani!

Unfortunately, Slider doesn’t have a feature to make it. However, this is literally good idea!


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Hey, @deejay.shani!

The slider will display the behavior of keeping the aspect ratio. Therefore, as its width decreases, its height decreases. The only way to block this behavior is to add custom CSS. At this point, my advice would be to draw multiple Slider elements and show different sliders at different screen widths.


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Thank you for the kind response. It’d be really great to have the option to disable the “Keep aspect Ratio” option so that we can control behavior using conditionals (e.g. using number of visible slides, min max width etc.) . On mobile screens the images may become too small to be used :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome :v:

Great suggestion! It would be nice to have this feature in Slider. We will work to do that in future updates :+1:

Thank you!

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Hello @Efe , I just want to ask what video formats this plugin can play, cause I got this one video on my database which is mp4 format but there is no display and there is audio.

Hello, Wonderful Slider supports mp4 format. The cause of your problem must be different. Can you explain with detailed screenshots? You can also share your editor link.


Hello, @Efe here is the screenshot https://snipboard.io/dctJzC.jpg, as you can see on the source, it says mp4 format, but it’s showing a white screen.

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Hello again,

When I check the screenshot everything looks normal. It is difficult to identify the problem with this.

Maybe it’d be related to your browser. Could you try previewing this page in a different browser, please? If the problem persists, I will ask your permission to access your app editor.


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Hello @Efe .

You can check it out here. Your Bubble app . Thank you!


As you mentioned, one of the videos has audio only. Can you share the source URL of this video? When I scrap the source URL from the browser, I saw that there was no scene of the video anyway. I think the problem is with the video itself.

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