🦊 [Plugin] Web3 & MetaMask by NovaBloq

even on Etherscan Read V2 router , gives wierd results (i tried here USDT to USDC )
and thats what i got out , does anyone know what i am missing here ?


Is there a way to check if the connected wallet has a specific NFT? Would this be a read contract action? How else might this work?


If on etherscan you have the same issue then the plugin has nothing to do with it. Perhaps there’s low liquidity on V2 as from what I know, they mainly use V3 now. Try to test with a small amount, or use the V3.

This question was answered a few times in this thread.
For ERC721 use the Get Balance of Token action of the plugin.
For ERC1155 use the Smart Contract - Read action using the function balanceOf from the contract.

Update v.2.13

You can now transfer NFTs of ERC1155 type!

The transfer NFT action was slightly modified to support both type of tokens, ERC721 and ERC1155.

You can test it out on this demo page.

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i’m having an issue with the transfer nft workflow. i created a rinkeby nft through rarible, and used its contract address and ID in the workflow, and i made sure to connect the same wallet that i created it with. however, firstly, it shows my wallet to the contract address rather than the “to” address i specified

and it displays this:

Take a look in the step by step inspector and see what parameters are you sending. The plugin does not change the the parameters whatsoever.
From, parameter must be your wallet that is the owner of the NFT.
To, must be the recipient.

Hi I want the user to be able to send specific tokens depending on the chain he is connected do you think I can do it only with plugin action or do I need to call an ABI ?

is there a better way to display NFT image than using regex patterns after calling the NFT meta data ?

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The ABI for a simple token is the same on all chains, so you could save it in the Database and get it from there for any chain :wink:

is it possible to use it with the erc20 from BSC ( Binance smarth chain)?

Yes sure! You can try this demo page that is based on BSC only

One of the plugin users, made a great video tutorial

How to Sign up a user with a MetaMask signature


I imagine it’s asking a lot, but is there any way to create a rental system? for example for x days and x hours this nft will be yours and you pay me X amount.

Good question, from the plugin side you can’t do that. It can be done in a custom Smart Contract, it is definitely possible.

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can i dream for a future to have this in the plugin?

Not really possible, only with a custom contract

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For those who were asking/waiting, we have launched the backend version of this plugin!


thats the one that signs tx with your private keys ? :astonished: :heart_eyes:

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I have followed your demo exactly and still get this after hours of troubleshooting.

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